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Core Components


A sandbox is a HL7 standard-compliant client-to-service full pipeline test environment. For a given sandbox run:

  1. Data is generated or loaded into a client (EHR)

  2. Data is wrapped and sent as standard-compliant API requests the designated service

  3. Data is processed by the service

  4. Processed result is wrapped and sent back to the service as standard-compliant API Response

  5. Data is received by the client and rendered in a UI interface

To declare a sandbox, create a class that inherits from a type of UseCase and decorate it with the @hc.sandbox decorator.

Note that both must be present for a valid sandbox declaration: UseCase loads in the blueprint of the service, client, and APIs used, and @hc.sandbox orchestrates these interactions.

import healthchain as hc

from healthchain.use_cases import ClinicalDecisionSupport

class MyCoolSandbox(ClinicalDecisionSupport):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

In this example, naming our class MyCoolSandbox, telling it to behave like a clinical decision support system (based on CDS Hooks), and declaring it should be run in a sandbox.

Every sandbox requires a client and a server.

Sandbox Essentials

  • UseCase from which the sandbox class inherits from
  • service function
  • client function


A client is a healthcare system object that requests information and processing from an external service.

A client is typically an EHR system, but we may also support other health objects in the future such as a CPOE (Computerized Ohysician Order Entry).

We can mark a client by using the decorator @hc.ehr. You must declare a particular workflow for the EHR client, which informs the sandbox how your data will be formatted (See Use Cases).

Data returned from the client should be wrapped in a Pydantic model depending on use case, e.g. CdsFhirData.

You can optionally specify if you want more than 1 request generated with the num parameter.

import healthchain as hc
from healthchain.use_cases import ClinicalDecisionSupport
from healthchain.models import CdsFhirData

class MyCoolSandbox(ClinicalDecisionSupport):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    @hc.ehr(workflow="patient-view", num=10)
    def load_data_in_client(self) -> CdsFhirData:
        # Do things here to load in your data

Data Generator

Healthcare data is interoperable, but not composable - every deployment site will have different ways of configuring data and terminology. This matters when you develop applications that need to integrate into these systems, especially when you need to reliably extract data for your model to consume.

The aim of the data generator is not to generate realistic data suitable for use cases such as patient population studies, but rather to generate data that is structurally compliant with what is expected of EHR configurations, and to be able to test and handle variations in this.

For this reason the data generator is opiniated by use case and workflow. See Use Cases for more information.


We're aware we may not cover everyone's use cases, so if you have strong opinions about this, please reach out!

On the synthetic data spectrum defined by this UK ONS methodology working paper, HealthChain generates level 1: synthetic structural data.

Synthetic data

You can use the data generator within a client function or on its own. The .generate() is dependent on workflow. For CDS use cases, it will return a CdsFhirData model with the prefetch field populated with a Bundle of generated structural synthetic FHIR data.

import healthchain as hc
from healthchain.use_cases import ClinicalDecisionSupport
from healthchain.models import CdsFhirData
from healthchain.data_generators import CdsDataGenerator

class MyCoolSandbox(ClinicalDecisionSupport):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.data_generator = CdsDataGenerator()

    def load_data_in_client(self) -> CdsFhirData:
        data = self.data_generator.generate()
        return data

    def my_server(self, request) -> None:
from healthchain.data_generators import CdsDataGenerator
from healthchain.workflow import Workflow

# Initialise data generator
data_generator = CdsDataGenerator()

# Generate FHIR resources for use case workflow
data = data_generator.generate()


# {
#    "prefetch": {
#        "entry": [
#            {
#                "resource": ...
#            }
#        ]
#    }

Other synthetic data sources

If you are looking for realistic datasets, you are also free to load your own data in a sandbox run! Check out MIMIC for comprehensive continuity of care records and free-text data, or Synthea for synthetically generated FHIR resources. Both are open-source, although you will need to complete PhysioNet Credentialing to access MIMIC.

Loading free-text

You can specify the free_text_csv field of the .generate() method to load in free-text sources into the data generator, e.g. discharge summaries. This will wrap the text into a FHIR DocumentReference resource (N.B. currently we place the text directly in the resource attachment, although it is technically supposed to be base64 encoded).

A random text document from the csv file will be picked for each generation.

# Load free text into a DocumentResource FHIR resource
data = data_generator.generate(free_text_csv="./dir/to/csv/file")

Service API

A service is typically an API of an external AI/NLP system that returns data to the client. This is where you define your application logic - it can be anything from a simple regex to a highly sophisticated LLM agentic workflow.

When you decorate a function with @hc.api in a sandbox, the function is mounted to a HL7-compliant service endpoint an EHR client can make requests to. This is usually a set of standardised API routes depending on the use case. HealthChain will start a FastAPI server with these APIs pre-defined for you.

Your service function must accept and return models appropriate for your use case. Typically the service function should accept a Request model and return a use case specific model, such as a list of Card for CDS.

If you are using a model that requires initialisation steps, we recommend you initialise this in your class __init__.

pip install torch transformers
import healthchain as hc

from healthchain.use_cases import ClinicalDecisionSupport
from healthchain.data_generators import CdsDataGenerator
from healthchain.models import Card, CDSRequest, CdsFhirData
from transformers import pipeline

from typing import List

class MyCoolSandbox(ClinicalDecisionSupport):
    def __init__(self):
        self.data_generator = CdsDataGenerator()
        self.pipeline = pipeline('summarization')

    @hc.ehr(workflow="patient-view") -> CdsFhirData
    def load_data_in_client(self) -> CdsFhirData:
        data = self.data_generator.generate()
        return data

    def my_service(self, request: CDSRequest) -> List[Card]:
        results = self.pipeline(str(request.prefetch))
        return [
                summary="Patient summary",
                source={"label": "transformers"},

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cds = MyCoolSandbox()

pip install langchain langchain-openai
import healthchain as hc

from healthchain.use_cases import ClinicalDecisionSupport
from healthchain.data_generators import CdsDataGenerator
from healthchain.models import Card, CDSRequest, CdsFhirData

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser

from typing import List

class MyCoolSandbox(ClinicalDecisionSupport):
    def __init__(self):
        self.chain = self._init_llm_chain()
        self.data_generator = CdsDataGenerator()

    def _init_llm_chain(self):
        prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
            "Summarize the text below {text}"
        model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")
        parser = StrOutputParser()

        chain = prompt | model | parser
        return chain

    def load_data_in_client(self) -> CdsFhirData:
        data = self.data_generator.generate()
        return data

    def my_service(self, request: CDSRequest) -> List[Card]:
        result = self.chain.invoke(str(request.prefetch))
        return [
                summary="Patient summary",
                source={"label": "openai"},

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cds = MyCoolSandbox()

Deploy sandbox locally with FastAPI 🚀

To run your sandbox:

healthchain run

This will start a server by default at, and you can interact with the exposed endpoints at /docs. Data generated from your sandbox runs is saved at ./output/ by default.

Inspect generated data in Streamlit 🎈

The streamlit dashboard is run separately and is currently purely for visualisation purposes.

You need to install streamlit separately first:

pip install streamlit
Then run:

cd streamlist_demo
streamlit run

Going further ✨

Checkout our Cookbook for more worked examples!