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Use Cases


Bases: BaseUseCase

Implements EHR backend simulator for Clinical Decision Support (CDS)


the function body to inject into the main service



the config kwargs for the uvicorn server passed into service



the service runner object

TYPE: Service DEFAULT: None


the client runner object

TYPE: BaseClient DEFAULT: None

See for specification

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
class ClinicalDecisionSupport(BaseUseCase):
    Implements EHR backend simulator for Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

        service_api (APIMethod): the function body to inject into the main service
        service_config (Dict): the config kwargs for the uvicorn server passed into service
        service (Service): the service runner object
        client (BaseClient): the client runner object

    See for specification

    def __init__(
        service_api: Optional[APIMethod] = None,
        service_config: Optional[Dict] = None,
        service: Optional[Service] = None,
        client: Optional[BaseClient] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._type = UseCaseType.cds
        self._strategy = ClinicalDecisionSupportStrategy()
        # do we need keys? just in case
        # TODO make configurable
        self._endpoints = {
            "info": Endpoint(
            "service_mount": Endpoint(

    def description(self) -> str:
        return "Clinical decision support (HL7 CDS specification)"

    def type(self) -> UseCaseType:
        return self._type

    def strategy(self) -> BaseStrategy:
        return self._strategy

    def endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, Endpoint]:
        return self._endpoints

    def cds_discovery(self) -> CDSServiceInformation:
        CDS discovery endpoint for FastAPI app, should be mounted to /cds-services
        if self._client is None:
            log.warning("CDS 'client' not configured, check class init.")
            return CDSServiceInformation(services=[])

        service_info = CDSService(
            description="A test CDS hook service.",
        return CDSServiceInformation(services=[service_info])

    def cds_service(self, id: str, request: CDSRequest) -> CDSResponse:
        CDS service endpoint for FastAPI app, should be mounted to /cds-services/{id}

            id (str): The ID of the CDS service.
            request (CDSRequest): The request object containing the input data for the CDS service.

            CDSResponse: The response object containing the cards generated by the CDS service.
        # TODO: can register multiple services and fetch with id

        # Check service_api
        if self._service_api is None:
            log.warning("CDS 'service_api' not configured, check class init.")
            return CDSResponse(cards=[])

        # Check service function signature
        signature = inspect.signature(self._service_api.func)
        assert (
            len(signature.parameters) == 2
        ), f"Incorrect number of arguments: {len(signature.parameters)} {signature}; CDS Service functions currently only accept 'self' and a single input argument."

        # Handle different input types
        service_input = request
        params = iter(inspect.signature(self._service_api.func).parameters.items())
        for name, param in params:
            if name != "self":
                if param.annotation == str:
                    service_input = request.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True)
                elif param.annotation == Dict:
                    service_input = request.model_dump(exclude_none=True)

        # Call the service function
        result = self._service_api.func(self, service_input)

        # Check the result return type
        if result is None:
                "CDS 'service_api' returned None, please check function definition."
            return CDSResponse(cards=[])

        if not isinstance(result, list):
            if isinstance(result, Card):
                result = [result]
                raise TypeError(f"Expected a list, but got {type(result).__name__}")

        for card in result:
            if not isinstance(card, Card):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Expected a list of 'Card' objects, but found an item of type {type(card).__name__}"

        return CDSResponse(cards=result)


CDS discovery endpoint for FastAPI app, should be mounted to /cds-services

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
def cds_discovery(self) -> CDSServiceInformation:
    CDS discovery endpoint for FastAPI app, should be mounted to /cds-services
    if self._client is None:
        log.warning("CDS 'client' not configured, check class init.")
        return CDSServiceInformation(services=[])

    service_info = CDSService(
        description="A test CDS hook service.",
    return CDSServiceInformation(services=[service_info])

cds_service(id, request)

CDS service endpoint for FastAPI app, should be mounted to /cds-services/{id}


The ID of the CDS service.

TYPE: str


The request object containing the input data for the CDS service.

TYPE: CDSRequest


The response object containing the cards generated by the CDS service.

TYPE: CDSResponse

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
def cds_service(self, id: str, request: CDSRequest) -> CDSResponse:
    CDS service endpoint for FastAPI app, should be mounted to /cds-services/{id}

        id (str): The ID of the CDS service.
        request (CDSRequest): The request object containing the input data for the CDS service.

        CDSResponse: The response object containing the cards generated by the CDS service.
    # TODO: can register multiple services and fetch with id

    # Check service_api
    if self._service_api is None:
        log.warning("CDS 'service_api' not configured, check class init.")
        return CDSResponse(cards=[])

    # Check service function signature
    signature = inspect.signature(self._service_api.func)
    assert (
        len(signature.parameters) == 2
    ), f"Incorrect number of arguments: {len(signature.parameters)} {signature}; CDS Service functions currently only accept 'self' and a single input argument."

    # Handle different input types
    service_input = request
    params = iter(inspect.signature(self._service_api.func).parameters.items())
    for name, param in params:
        if name != "self":
            if param.annotation == str:
                service_input = request.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True)
            elif param.annotation == Dict:
                service_input = request.model_dump(exclude_none=True)

    # Call the service function
    result = self._service_api.func(self, service_input)

    # Check the result return type
    if result is None:
            "CDS 'service_api' returned None, please check function definition."
        return CDSResponse(cards=[])

    if not isinstance(result, list):
        if isinstance(result, Card):
            result = [result]
            raise TypeError(f"Expected a list, but got {type(result).__name__}")

    for card in result:
        if not isinstance(card, Card):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected a list of 'Card' objects, but found an item of type {type(card).__name__}"

    return CDSResponse(cards=result)


Bases: BaseStrategy

Handles the request construction and validation

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
class ClinicalDecisionSupportStrategy(BaseStrategy):
    Handles the request construction and validation

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.api_protocol =
        self.context_mapping = {
            Workflow.order_select: OrderSelectContext,
            Workflow.order_sign: OrderSignContext,
            Workflow.patient_view: PatientViewContext,
            Workflow.encounter_discharge: EncounterDischargeContext,

    def construct_request(self, data: CdsFhirData, workflow: Workflow) -> CDSRequest:
        Constructs a HL7-compliant CDS request based on workflow.

            data: FHIR data to be injected in request.
            workflow (Workflow): The CDS hook name, e.g. patient-view.

            CDSRequest: A Pydantic model that wraps a CDS request for REST

            ValueError: If the workflow is invalid or the data does not validate properly.
        log.debug(f"Constructing CDS request for {workflow.value} from {data}")

        context_model = self.context_mapping.get(workflow, None)
        if context_model is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid workflow {workflow.value} or workflow model not implemented."
        if not isinstance(data, CdsFhirData):
            raise TypeError(
                f"CDS clients must return data of type CdsFhirData, not {type(data)}"

        # i feel like theres a better way to do this
        request_data = data.model_dump()
        request = CDSRequest(
            context=context_model(**request_data.get("context", {})),

        return request

construct_request(data, workflow)

Constructs a HL7-compliant CDS request based on workflow.


FHIR data to be injected in request.

TYPE: CdsFhirData


The CDS hook name, e.g. patient-view.

TYPE: Workflow


A Pydantic model that wraps a CDS request for REST

TYPE: CDSRequest


If the workflow is invalid or the data does not validate properly.

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
def construct_request(self, data: CdsFhirData, workflow: Workflow) -> CDSRequest:
    Constructs a HL7-compliant CDS request based on workflow.

        data: FHIR data to be injected in request.
        workflow (Workflow): The CDS hook name, e.g. patient-view.

        CDSRequest: A Pydantic model that wraps a CDS request for REST

        ValueError: If the workflow is invalid or the data does not validate properly.
    log.debug(f"Constructing CDS request for {workflow.value} from {data}")

    context_model = self.context_mapping.get(workflow, None)
    if context_model is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid workflow {workflow.value} or workflow model not implemented."
    if not isinstance(data, CdsFhirData):
        raise TypeError(
            f"CDS clients must return data of type CdsFhirData, not {type(data)}"

    # i feel like theres a better way to do this
    request_data = data.model_dump()
    request = CDSRequest(
        context=context_model(**request_data.get("context", {})),

    return request


Bases: BaseModel

A model representing the data structure for a CDS service call, triggered by specific hooks within a healthcare application.


The hook that triggered this CDS Service call. For example, 'patient-view'.

TYPE: str


A universally unique identifier for this particular hook call.



The base URL of the CDS Client's FHIR server. This field is required if fhirAuthorization is provided.

TYPE: HttpUrl


Optional authorization details providing a bearer access token for FHIR resources.

TYPE: Optional[FhirAuthorization]


Hook-specific contextual data required by the CDS service.

TYPE: Dict[str, Any]


Optional FHIR data that was prefetched by the CDS Client.

TYPE: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]


Source code in healthchain/models/requests/
class CDSRequest(BaseModel):
    A model representing the data structure for a CDS service call, triggered by specific hooks
    within a healthcare application.

        hook (str): The hook that triggered this CDS Service call. For example, 'patient-view'.
        hookInstance (UUID): A universally unique identifier for this particular hook call.
        fhirServer (HttpUrl): The base URL of the CDS Client's FHIR server. This field is required if `fhirAuthorization` is provided.
        fhirAuthorization (Optional[FhirAuthorization]): Optional authorization details providing a bearer access token for FHIR resources.
        context (Dict[str, Any]): Hook-specific contextual data required by the CDS service.
        prefetch (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Optional FHIR data that was prefetched by the CDS Client.


    hook: str
    hookInstance: str = Field(default_factory=id_generator.generate_random_uuid)
    context: BaseHookContext
    fhirServer: Optional[HttpUrl] = None
    fhirAuthorization: Optional[FHIRAuthorization] = (
        None  # TODO: note this is required if fhirserver is given
    prefetch: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = (
        None  # fhir resource is passed either thru prefetched template of fhir server
    extension: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None


Bases: BaseModel

Within a suggestion, all actions are logically AND'd together, such that a user selecting a suggestion selects all of the actions within it. When a suggestion contains multiple actions, the actions SHOULD be processed as per FHIR's rules for processing transactions with the CDS Client's fhirServer as the base url for the inferred full URL of the transaction bundle entries.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class Action(BaseModel):
    Within a suggestion, all actions are logically AND'd together, such that a user selecting a
    suggestion selects all of the actions within it. When a suggestion contains multiple actions,
    the actions SHOULD be processed as per FHIR's rules for processing transactions with the CDS
    Client's fhirServer as the base url for the inferred full URL of the transaction bundle entries.

    type: ActionTypeEnum
    description: str
    resource: Optional[Dict] = None
    resourceId: Optional[str] = None

    def validate_action_type(self) -> Self:
        if self.type in [ActionTypeEnum.create, ActionTypeEnum.update]:
            assert (
            ), f"'resource' must be provided when type is '{self.type.value}'"
            assert (
            ), f"'resourceId' must be provided when type is '{self.type.value}'"

        return self


Bases: str, Enum

The type of action being performed

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class ActionTypeEnum(str, Enum):
    The type of action being performed

    create = "create"
    update = "update"
    delete = "delete"


Bases: BaseModel

Http response

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class CDSResponse(BaseModel):
    Http response

    cards: List[Card] = []
    systemActions: Optional[Action] = None


Bases: BaseModel

Cards can provide a combination of information (for reading), suggested actions (to be applied if a user selects them), and links (to launch an app if the user selects them). The CDS Client decides how to display cards, but this specification recommends displaying suggestions using buttons, and links using underlined text.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class Card(BaseModel):
    Cards can provide a combination of information (for reading), suggested actions
    (to be applied if a user selects them), and links (to launch an app if the user selects them).
    The CDS Client decides how to display cards, but this specification recommends displaying suggestions
    using buttons, and links using underlined text.

    summary: str = Field(..., max_length=140)
    indicator: IndicatorEnum
    source: Source
    uuid: Optional[str] = None
    detail: Optional[str] = None
    suggestions: Optional[List[Suggestion]] = None
    selectionBehavior: Optional[SelectionBehaviorEnum] = None
    overrideReasons: Optional[List[SimpleCoding]] = None
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = None

    def validate_suggestions(self) -> Self:
        if self.suggestions is not None:
            assert self.selectionBehavior, f"'selectionBehavior' must be given if 'suggestions' is present! Choose from {[v for v in SelectionBehaviorEnum.value]}"
        return self


Bases: str, Enum

Urgency/importance of what Card conveys. Allowed values, in order of increasing urgency, are: info, warning, critical. The CDS Client MAY use this field to help make UI display decisions such as sort order or coloring.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class IndicatorEnum(str, Enum):
    Urgency/importance of what Card conveys.
    Allowed values, in order of increasing urgency, are: info, warning, critical.
    The CDS Client MAY use this field to help make UI display decisions such as sort order or coloring.

    info = "info"
    warning = "warning"
    critical = "critical"

Bases: BaseModel

  • CDS Client support for appContext requires additional coordination with the authorization server that is not described or specified in CDS Hooks nor SMART.

  • Autolaunchable is experimental

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class Link(BaseModel):
    * CDS Client support for appContext requires additional coordination with the authorization
    server that is not described or specified in CDS Hooks nor SMART.

    * Autolaunchable is experimental

    label: str
    url: HttpUrl
    type: LinkTypeEnum
    appContext: Optional[str] = None
    autoLaunchable: Optional[bool]

    def validate_link(self) -> Self:
        if self.appContext:
            assert (
                self.type ==
            ), "'type' must be 'smart' for appContext to be valued."

        return self


Bases: str, Enum

The type of the given URL. There are two possible values for this field. A type of absolute indicates that the URL is absolute and should be treated as-is. A type of smart indicates that the URL is a SMART app launch URL and the CDS Client should ensure the SMART app launch URL is populated with the appropriate SMART launch parameters.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class LinkTypeEnum(str, Enum):
    The type of the given URL. There are two possible values for this field.
    A type of absolute indicates that the URL is absolute and should be treated as-is.
    A type of smart indicates that the URL is a SMART app launch URL and the CDS Client
    should ensure the SMART app launch URL is populated with the appropriate SMART
    launch parameters.

    absolute = "absolute"
    smart = "smart"


Bases: str, Enum

Describes the intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card. Allowed values are: at-most-one, indicating that the user may choose none or at most one of the suggestions; any, indicating that the end user may choose any number of suggestions including none of them and all of them. CDS Clients that do not understand the value MUST treat the card as an error.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class SelectionBehaviorEnum(str, Enum):
    Describes the intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card.
    Allowed values are: at-most-one, indicating that the user may choose none or
    at most one of the suggestions; any, indicating that the end user may choose
    any number of suggestions including none of them and all of them.
    CDS Clients that do not understand the value MUST treat the card as an error.

    at_most_one = "at-most-one"
    any = "any"


Bases: BaseModel

The Coding data type captures the concept of a code. This coding type is a standalone data type in CDS Hooks modeled after a trimmed down version of the FHIR Coding data type.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class SimpleCoding(BaseModel):
    The Coding data type captures the concept of a code. This coding type is a standalone data type
    in CDS Hooks modeled after a trimmed down version of the FHIR Coding data type.

    code: str
    system: str
    display: Optional[str] = None


Bases: BaseModel

Grouping structure for the Source of the information displayed on this card. The source should be the primary source of guidance for the decision support Card represents.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class Source(BaseModel):
    Grouping structure for the Source of the information displayed on this card.
    The source should be the primary source of guidance for the decision support Card represents.

    label: str
    url: Optional[HttpUrl] = None
    icon: Optional[HttpUrl] = None
    topic: Optional[SimpleCoding] = None


Bases: BaseModel

Allows a service to suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity (e.g. changing the dose of a medication currently being prescribed, for the order-sign activity). If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class Suggestion(BaseModel):
    Allows a service to suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
    (e.g. changing the dose of a medication currently being prescribed, for the order-sign activity).
    If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.

    label: str
    uuid: Optional[str] = None
    isRecommended: Optional[bool]
    actions: Optional[List[Action]] = []


Bases: BaseUseCase

Implements EHR backend strategy for clinical documentation (NoteReader)

This class represents the backend strategy for clinical documentation using the NoteReader system. It inherits from the BaseUseCase class and provides methods for processing NoteReader documents.


The service API method to be used for processing the documents.

TYPE: Optional[APIMethod]


The configuration for the service.

TYPE: Optional[Dict]


The service to be used for processing the documents.

TYPE: Optional[Service]


The client to be used for communication with the service.

TYPE: Optional[BaseClient]


Whether to overwrite existing data in the CDA document.

TYPE: bool

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
class ClinicalDocumentation(BaseUseCase):
    Implements EHR backend strategy for clinical documentation (NoteReader)

    This class represents the backend strategy for clinical documentation using the NoteReader system.
    It inherits from the `BaseUseCase` class and provides methods for processing NoteReader documents.

        service_api (Optional[APIMethod]): The service API method to be used for processing the documents.
        service_config (Optional[Dict]): The configuration for the service.
        service (Optional[Service]): The service to be used for processing the documents.
        client (Optional[BaseClient]): The client to be used for communication with the service.
        overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite existing data in the CDA document.


    def __init__(
        service_api: Optional[APIMethod] = None,
        service_config: Optional[Dict] = None,
        service: Optional[Service] = None,
        client: Optional[BaseClient] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._type = UseCaseType.clindoc
        self._strategy = ClinicalDocumentationStrategy()
        self._endpoints = {
            "service_mount": Endpoint(
        self.overwrite: bool = False

    def description(self) -> str:
        return "Clinical documentation (NoteReader)"

    def type(self) -> UseCaseType:
        return self._type

    def strategy(self) -> BaseStrategy:
        return self._strategy

    def endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, Endpoint]:
        return self._endpoints

    def process_notereader_document(self, request: CdaRequest) -> CdaResponse:
        Process the NoteReader document.

            request (CdaRequest): The CdaRequest object containing the document.

            CdaResponse: The CdaResponse object containing the processed document.
        # Check service_api
        if self._service_api is None:
            log.warning("'service_api' not configured, check class init.")
            return CdaResponse(document="")

        # Check service function signature
        signature = inspect.signature(self._service_api.func)
        assert (
            len(signature.parameters) == 2
        ), f"Incorrect number of arguments: {len(signature.parameters)} {signature}; service functions currently only accept 'self' and a single input argument."

        # Parse the CDA document
        cda_doc = CdaAnnotator.from_xml(request.document)
        ccd_data = CcdData(

        # Call the service function
        result = self._service_api.func(self, ccd_data)

        # Check return type
        if not isinstance(result, CcdData):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected return type CcdData, got {type(result)} instead."

        # Update the CDA document with the results
        if result.problems:
            log.debug(f"Updating CDA document with {len(result.problems)} problem(s).")
            cda_doc.add_to_problem_list(result.problems, overwrite=self.overwrite)
        if result.allergies:
                f"Updating CDA document with {len(result.allergies)} allergy(ies)."
            cda_doc.add_to_allergy_list(result.allergies, overwrite=self.overwrite)
        if result.medications:
                f"Updating CDA document with {len(result.medications)} medication(s)."
            cda_doc.add_to_medication_list(result.medications, overwrite=self.overwrite)

        # Export the updated CDA document
        response_document = cda_doc.export()
        response = CdaResponse(document=response_document)

        return response


Process the NoteReader document.


The CdaRequest object containing the document.

TYPE: CdaRequest


The CdaResponse object containing the processed document.

TYPE: CdaResponse

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
def process_notereader_document(self, request: CdaRequest) -> CdaResponse:
    Process the NoteReader document.

        request (CdaRequest): The CdaRequest object containing the document.

        CdaResponse: The CdaResponse object containing the processed document.
    # Check service_api
    if self._service_api is None:
        log.warning("'service_api' not configured, check class init.")
        return CdaResponse(document="")

    # Check service function signature
    signature = inspect.signature(self._service_api.func)
    assert (
        len(signature.parameters) == 2
    ), f"Incorrect number of arguments: {len(signature.parameters)} {signature}; service functions currently only accept 'self' and a single input argument."

    # Parse the CDA document
    cda_doc = CdaAnnotator.from_xml(request.document)
    ccd_data = CcdData(

    # Call the service function
    result = self._service_api.func(self, ccd_data)

    # Check return type
    if not isinstance(result, CcdData):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Expected return type CcdData, got {type(result)} instead."

    # Update the CDA document with the results
    if result.problems:
        log.debug(f"Updating CDA document with {len(result.problems)} problem(s).")
        cda_doc.add_to_problem_list(result.problems, overwrite=self.overwrite)
    if result.allergies:
            f"Updating CDA document with {len(result.allergies)} allergy(ies)."
        cda_doc.add_to_allergy_list(result.allergies, overwrite=self.overwrite)
    if result.medications:
            f"Updating CDA document with {len(result.medications)} medication(s)."
        cda_doc.add_to_medication_list(result.medications, overwrite=self.overwrite)

    # Export the updated CDA document
    response_document = cda_doc.export()
    response = CdaResponse(document=response_document)

    return response


Bases: BaseStrategy

Handles the request construction and validation of a NoteReader CDA file

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
class ClinicalDocumentationStrategy(BaseStrategy):
    Handles the request construction and validation of a NoteReader CDA file

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.api_protocol: ApiProtocol = ApiProtocol.soap
        self.soap_envelope: Dict = self._load_soap_envelope()

    def _load_soap_envelope(self):
        data = pkgutil.get_data("healthchain", "templates/soap_envelope.xml")
        return xmltodict.parse(data.decode("utf-8"))

    def construct_cda_xml_document(self):
        This function should wrap FHIR data from CcdFhirData into a template CDA file (dep. vendor
        TODO: implement this function

    def construct_request(self, data: CcdData, workflow: Workflow) -> CdaRequest:
        Constructs a CDA request for clinical documentation use cases (NoteReader)

            data: CDA data to be injected in the request
            workflow (Workflow): The NoteReader workflow type, e.g. notereader-sign-inpatient

            CdaRequest: A Pydantic model that wraps CDA data for SOAP request

            ValueError: If the workflow is invalid or the data does not validate properly.
        # TODO: handle converting fhir data from data generator to cda
        # TODO: handle different workflows
        if data.cda_xml is not None:
            # Encode the cda xml in base64
            encoded_xml = base64.b64encode(data.cda_xml.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")

            # Make a copy of the SOAP envelope template
            soap_envelope = self.soap_envelope.copy()

            # Insert encoded cda in the Document section
            if not insert_at_key(soap_envelope, "urn:Document", encoded_xml):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Key 'urn:Document' missing from SOAP envelope template!"
            request = CdaRequest.from_dict(soap_envelope)

            return request
                "Data generation methods for CDA documents not implemented yet!"


This function should wrap FHIR data from CcdFhirData into a template CDA file (dep. vendor TODO: implement this function

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
def construct_cda_xml_document(self):
    This function should wrap FHIR data from CcdFhirData into a template CDA file (dep. vendor
    TODO: implement this function

construct_request(data, workflow)

Constructs a CDA request for clinical documentation use cases (NoteReader)


CDA data to be injected in the request

TYPE: CcdData


The NoteReader workflow type, e.g. notereader-sign-inpatient

TYPE: Workflow


A Pydantic model that wraps CDA data for SOAP request

TYPE: CdaRequest


If the workflow is invalid or the data does not validate properly.

Source code in healthchain/use_cases/
def construct_request(self, data: CcdData, workflow: Workflow) -> CdaRequest:
    Constructs a CDA request for clinical documentation use cases (NoteReader)

        data: CDA data to be injected in the request
        workflow (Workflow): The NoteReader workflow type, e.g. notereader-sign-inpatient

        CdaRequest: A Pydantic model that wraps CDA data for SOAP request

        ValueError: If the workflow is invalid or the data does not validate properly.
    # TODO: handle converting fhir data from data generator to cda
    # TODO: handle different workflows
    if data.cda_xml is not None:
        # Encode the cda xml in base64
        encoded_xml = base64.b64encode(data.cda_xml.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")

        # Make a copy of the SOAP envelope template
        soap_envelope = self.soap_envelope.copy()

        # Insert encoded cda in the Document section
        if not insert_at_key(soap_envelope, "urn:Document", encoded_xml):
            raise ValueError(
                "Key 'urn:Document' missing from SOAP envelope template!"
        request = CdaRequest.from_dict(soap_envelope)

        return request
            "Data generation methods for CDA documents not implemented yet!"


Bases: BaseModel

Source code in healthchain/models/requests/
class CdaRequest(BaseModel):
    document: str

    def from_dict(cls, data: Dict):
        Loads data from dict (xmltodict format)
        return cls(document=xmltodict.unparse(data))

    def model_dump(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Dumps document as dict with xmltodict
        return xmltodict.parse(self.document)

    def model_dump_xml(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
        Decodes and dumps document as an xml string
        xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(self.document)
        document = search_key(xml_dict, "urn:Document")
        if document is None:
            log.warning("Coudln't find document under namespace 'urn:Document")
            return ""
        cda = base64.b64decode(document).decode("UTF-8")

        return cda

from_dict(data) classmethod

Loads data from dict (xmltodict format)

Source code in healthchain/models/requests/
def from_dict(cls, data: Dict):
    Loads data from dict (xmltodict format)
    return cls(document=xmltodict.unparse(data))

model_dump(*args, **kwargs)

Dumps document as dict with xmltodict

Source code in healthchain/models/requests/
def model_dump(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict:
    Dumps document as dict with xmltodict
    return xmltodict.parse(self.document)

model_dump_xml(*args, **kwargs)

Decodes and dumps document as an xml string

Source code in healthchain/models/requests/
def model_dump_xml(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
    Decodes and dumps document as an xml string
    xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(self.document)
    document = search_key(xml_dict, "urn:Document")
    if document is None:
        log.warning("Coudln't find document under namespace 'urn:Document")
        return ""
    cda = base64.b64decode(document).decode("UTF-8")

    return cda


Bases: BaseModel

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
class CdaResponse(BaseModel):
    document: str
    error: Optional[str] = None

    def from_dict(cls, data: Dict):
        Loads data from dict (xmltodict format)
        return cls(document=xmltodict.unparse(data))

    def model_dump(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict:
        Dumps document as dict with xmltodict
        return xmltodict.parse(self.document)

    def model_dump_xml(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
        Decodes and dumps document as an xml string
        xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(self.document)
        document = search_key(xml_dict, "tns:Document")
        if document is None:
            log.warning("Coudln't find document under namespace 'tns:Document")
            return ""

        cda = base64.b64decode(document).decode("UTF-8")

        return cda

from_dict(data) classmethod

Loads data from dict (xmltodict format)

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
def from_dict(cls, data: Dict):
    Loads data from dict (xmltodict format)
    return cls(document=xmltodict.unparse(data))

model_dump(*args, **kwargs)

Dumps document as dict with xmltodict

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
def model_dump(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict:
    Dumps document as dict with xmltodict
    return xmltodict.parse(self.document)

model_dump_xml(*args, **kwargs)

Decodes and dumps document as an xml string

Source code in healthchain/models/responses/
def model_dump_xml(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
    Decodes and dumps document as an xml string
    xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(self.document)
    document = search_key(xml_dict, "tns:Document")
    if document is None:
        log.warning("Coudln't find document under namespace 'tns:Document")
        return ""

    cda = base64.b64decode(document).decode("UTF-8")

    return cda